Australian Embassy
Georgia and Azerbaijan

DAP 2023-2024 Projects Overview


DAP 2023-2024 Projects Overview


ANK310 - Snoezelen Room for Earthquake Survivor Children with Disabilities 

  • Project Partner: Turkiye Spastik Cocuklar Vakfi / Spastic Children's Foundation of Turkiye 
  • Location: Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 7,840.63 AUD
  •  Implementing partner(s): None

The project aimed to establish a snoezelen room within a health services center for children with special needs. Snoezelen rooms offer activities that stimulate the senses and improve functionality, awareness, and attention. This multipurpose room supports children with autism spectrum disorder and those who suffered amputations due to the earthquake. By providing a tailored environment for sensory stimulation and therapeutic activities, the project aimed to enhance the quality of life and rehabilitation for these children. 





ANK334 - Imagine Build With STEM 

  • Project Partner: Siirt Provincial Directorate of Education 
  • Location: Siirt, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 9,986.78 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Siirt Social Life and Innovation Centre 

This project supported STEM education for students, including those with disabilities, who relocated to Siirt due to the earthquake. By providing tailored STEM kits and workshops in science, coding, engineering, and mathematics, the project prepared students for national and international competitions. The initiative aimed to enhance educational opportunities, support psychosocial development, and foster peer interaction and socialization. 




ANK374 - Project of Increasing Well-Being of School-Age Children in the Container City 

  • Project Partner: Sınırlı Sorumlu INOGAR Sosyal Kalkınma İnovasyon Kooperatifi 
  • Location: Antakya Doğanköy, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 9,880.00 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Need Map 

The project aimed to support the return to education for earthquake-affected children in the Need Map Hatay Container Living Area. addressed Earthquake caused increased dropouts and access issues led by the earthquake's negative impact on families' economic and social conditions as well as the stress and trauma caused by the disaster.  

To increase the schooling, the project aimed to create an incentive so that both families and children can go through the hardships they have more smoothly and start the normalisation process by providing children with school equipment for free. 

Informative seminars were organised for families, and education kits were distributed to motivate both children and caregivers to resume schooling. The project focused on reinforcing children's right to education and ensuring their continued learning and development. 






ANK413: Mimosa Will Bloom: STEM-based Psychosocial Support to Earthquake-affected Girls 

  • Project Partner: Iskenderun Science and Art Center 
  • Location: Iskenderun, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 9,996.38 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Iskenderun District Governorate, Iskenderun District Directorate of National Education, Hatay Provincial Directorate of Migration Management, Adana Çukurova Science And Art Centre, Hatay Kirikhan Science And Art Centre and Habitat Association 

The project aimed to support disadvantage, gifted and talented girls affected by the earthquake through STEM training in robotics, coding, animation, and metaverse technologies. By providing these workshops, the project sought to foster psychosocial development while equipping the girls with valuable STEM skills. The initiative aimed to empower the participants with both technical knowledge and confidence, helping them overcome adversity and build a foundation






ANK465: Strong Children, Strong Tomorrows 

  • Project Partner: Tuzla District Directorate of Education 
  • Location: Tuzla, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 10,000 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Istanbul Tuzla District Directorate of National Education 

The project focused on establishing a workshop to provide children with training in robotic coding, bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application. The goal was to enhance students' happiness, productivity, and social interactions. By connecting abstract coding with concrete robotic science, the workshop aimed to contribute to students' social development and offer a space for meaningful peer collaboration. This initiative sought to prepare students for future academic and professional success. 





ANK497: My Disability Is Not an Obstacle To Produce 

  • Project Partner: Manisa Turgutlu State Hospital 
  • Location: Manisa, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 3,395.00 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Turgutlu Public Education Centre 

The project supported mental rehabilitation for individuals with disabilities at the Manisa Turgutlu State Hospital Community Mental Health Center through art and vocational skills development workshops. Activities included painting and sewing, aimed at helping participants adapt to social life, gain new skills, and explore employment opportunities. By focusing on creative expression and practical skills, the project sought to enhance participants' social integration and personal growth. 






ANK500 - Women's Empowerment Project with Top Sewing Workshop 

  • Project Partner: Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi 
  • Location: Burdur, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 10,000 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Burdur Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services and Burdur Ball Sewing Women's Initiative Production and Business Cooperative 

This initiative focused on empowering women who are victims of violence and from disadvantaged backgrounds. By establishing a ball sewing workshop within a women's shelter, the project provided vocational training, enhancing the employability and social participation of these women.  

Additionally, training sessions on women's rights, gender equality, and communication were conducted to further support their personal development. Project's holistic approach aimed to increase the self-sufficiency and confidence of participants, enabling them to secure better futures for themselves. By integrating vocational and personal development training, the project offered a comprehensive support system for women in need. 





ANK544: Personal Care Support Project for Earthquake Victims, Disabled and Elderly Women 

  • Project Partner: Malatya Metropolitan Municipality 
  • Location: Malatya, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 9,755.56 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): None 

This project aimed to support disadvantaged women, particularly those affected by the earthquake, through mobile and center-based personal care services. Focused on women over 65, with disabilities, or those who are immobile, the project provided personal care services such as haircuts and manicures.  

The project was linked with community health care so that wound dressings, and routine vital sign measurements (blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar) could be attended to at the same time. By delivering these essential services, the project sought to improve the morale and quality of life and personal well-being of vulnerable women in container cities. 






ANK603 - Gallipoli Sensory Integration Workshop 

  • Project Partner: Gallipoli District Governorate 
  • Location: Gallipoli, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 6,000 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Gallipoli District Directorate of National Education 

Designed for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder in remote areas of Gallipoli District, this project established a sensory integration workshop. The workshop provided tailored training and special tools to help children with autism develop essential skills and become active members of society.  

Additionally, families and caregivers were supported through awareness-raising and information sessions. By focusing on both the children and their support networks, the project aimed to create a more inclusive and understanding environment. The initiative helped participants improve their daily lives and social interactions, fostering greater independence and integration.   





ANK631 - Wooden Dreams Workshop 

  • Project Partner: Diyarbakir Science and Art Center 
  • Location: Diyarbakir, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 11,861.42 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality and Diyarbakir Provincial Directorate of National Education 

Diyarbakir Science and Art Centre provided support to 615 gifted and talented students in general mental ability, visual arts, or music, helping them grow as individuals capable of contributing to scientific studies and problem-solving. The "Wooden Dreams Workshop" aimed to offer a creative recovery platform for gifted students affected by the earthquake. By engaging in handicrafts and woodworking, participants supported their emotional and mental development, increased self-confidence, and strengthened social ties. 





ANK690 - Small Steps Autism Class 

  • Project Partner: Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality 
  • Location: Eskisehir, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 9,997.15 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): -25 Association, Osmangazi University and Anadolu University 

Implemented by Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality, this project aimed to support children with autism spectrum disorder. Activities included sensory integration, occupational therapy, and movement training to enhance social skills, communication, and daily routines. The project also provided emotional support and skill development for caregivers. Through these activities, the project sought to improve the children's social skills, flexibility, and cooperation, supporting their overall development and integration. 






ANK726 - Increasing WASH Standard in Adıyaman During the Early-Recovery Period 

  • Project Partner: Yerel ve Sığınmacılarla Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma ve Destekleme Derneği (YSYD) 
  • Location: Adıyaman, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 10,000 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): None 

This project aimed to address ongoing issues in accessing basic needs in Adıyaman, a province significantly affected by the February 2023 earthquake. By distributing hygiene and dignity kits and conducting awareness-raising sessions, the project sought to enhance water sanitation and hygiene standards in new settlements established post-disaster.  

This initiative not only provided immediate relief but also laid the groundwork for improved living conditions and health standards in the community. The project built on comprehensive needs assessments, ensuring that the aid was targeted and effective. Through the distribution of essential supplies and educational efforts, the project played a crucial role in reducing the vulnerability of the affected population and promoting sustainable recovery in Adıyaman. 






ANK727: Improving the Capacity of Child Friendly Spaces in Islahiye and Nurdağı 

  • Project Partner: International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation 
  • Location: Islahiye and Nurdağı, Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 9,976.00 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): None

This project aimed to enhance children's spaces in Nurdagi and Islahiye through two main activities: playground construction and the provision of activity materials for Child Friendly Space (CFS) tents. The playground aimed to improve the psychological and social development of earthquake-affected children. The CFS activity sought to enhance developmental and sporting abilities with new kits. The project was based on a needs analysis, targeting essential areas to support children's well-being and development in container cities. 





ANK728: Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders: Inspiring Change in Business Practices 

  • Project Partner: Sabanci University 
  • Location: Turkiye 
  • Grant Amount: 9,976.00 AUD 
  • Implementing partner(s): None 

This project aimed to empower university students to become influential leaders by showcasing exemplary practices from companies in gender equality, domestic violence prevention, and sustainability.  

Through various activities, students were inspired by pioneering names of the business sector and equipped with knowledge and skills to drive positive change in their future careers. By highlighting best practices and fostering discussions on critical topics, the project aimed to cultivate socially conscious and responsible business leaders capable of addressing complex societal challenges.